Io desidero, tu desideri, egli desidera

Lajityyppi: Animated film
Vuosi: 1970
Kesto: 00:10:00
Kuvaus: A man and his dog watch other people walk by who let symbols of their aspirations fly, holding onto them with a cord: winged horses, locks, mountain peaks and women. Despite many attempts, the man cannot make his dog fly.
Sisältölähde: Cineteca di Bologna
Oikeudet: In Copyright / For information about the rights holder please contact Cineteca di Bologna.
Tuotantoyhtiö: Corona Cinematografica Animafilm
Väri: Colour
Ohjaaja: Gagliardo, Elio
Sound: With sound
Kokoelma: Cineteca di Bologna Film Collection
Language: it